Which actions will need what sort of formal Conservation Commission approval? Perhaps we need to file NOIs for wetlands actions and perhaps some other sort of approval process for any herbicide treatments uplands? I am thinking we only need Director of Natural Resources approval for any non-herbicide uplands actions.
[Answers from 02006 June 7 Conservation Commission meeting: Any upland action and any non-herbicide action can be done simply with the review and approval of the Director of Natural Resources. Come back to us if you are considering herbicide action within 50 feet of the wetlands. That’s against our regulations and would require discussion and special permission]
What direction can you provide about priorities?
[One supportive comment from the commission for Garlic Mustard as a high priority action]
What other invasive plant species are out there?
Any ideas about how to find and inspire volunteers to help out with these sorts of actions? Schools, scout troops, garden club, environmental groups, etc.?
Is yellow Iris spreading? We need a stream survey, especially downstream of Guggins brook and Fort Pond brook.
What is the best treatment for Yellow Iris?
Is there indeed a reed Canary-grass invasion happening along the banks of Guggins? If there is, where else is it happening, what sort of threat does it represent, and what can be done about it?
What is the best approach to the very large Burning Bush invasion at Great Hill?
How should we approach Rosa Multiflora invasions in the woods, where mowing is not possible? The literature has mixed recommendations. Biological controls under developoment are mentioned in the literature.
What is the best use of any extra money we might find to apply to this problem? Expert assistance? Replacement plantings? More herbicides? And which of this, if any, would be amenable to CPA funding?
We have major problems with meadow-based buckthorn, such as at Morrison Farm. Gigi wonders if we can combine brush-hogging and plowing with subsequent weed-wrenching and clam-hogging to dig up roots. Has it been tried? Does it work?
How can (or should) our efforts expand to include invasive animal species?