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Factors in Prioritization

In the course “Planning Invasive Plant Control on Large Parcels” that I took in April of 2005, I learned one way of prioritizing invasive plant actions by combining a score for ‘difficulty of treatment’ and ‘dangers of non-treatment’. In other words, the invasions to prioritize the highest are those where treatment is the easiest and most likely to succeed , AND where the invasion is most likely to spread further and cause a lot more damage to biodiversity. I have not used the full formal numerical analysis as outlined in that course for all of our parcels (although I would like to in the future), instead, I used the general principles of that system to pick out the key actions we should take first, and to select a few larger actions that we should get started on soon.

I also added in some factors that were not explicitly described in the course:

  1. Take opportunities to learn control methods on a small scale before tackling a larger scale.

  2. Consider first those invasions where we know there is particular land steward or other volunteer enthusiasm.

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